Bozeman Teen Theater Scholarship Fundraiser

Hello! My name is Casen Ripple and I am a Senior at Gallatin High School. Performing arts have been the biggest passion of mine throughout my life, and in the last year I have participated in three full length musicals, and a play. I have found that participating in arts programs has impacted me greatly both personally, and academically, and I am grateful for the experience I have gained.

For my Senior project I chose to research the direct impacts performing arts participation has on teens. I found that when students engage in activities such as theater, music, and dance, they are provided an enhanced learning experience. Participation offers students engaging ways to navigate the complexities of their emotions and experiences. Participation empowers students, giving them a sense of accomplishment and confidence that can be carried with them through various aspects of their lives. Additionally, studies have also shown that children from lower income families are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities, including theater.

The financial barriers associated with program participation, such as fees for lessons, costumes, or travel expenses, can prevent students from their artistic passions. Bozeman has a handful of theaters in town that students can participate in, but many of them are quite expensive. This unfortunately means less Bozeman teens are given the opportunity to participate. Because participation in performing arts is something everyone should have access to, I would like to raise money to give as teen theater scholarships in Bozeman. Any donation, or support would be greatly impactful and much appreciated. Thank you!


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Every Day until Nov. 25

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