Pixie and the Partygrass Boys - Night 2 of 2

Hailed as “the hottest band in the Wasatch” by the Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, Pixie and The Partygrass Boys is composed of lifelong professional musicians drawn together by a common love of bluegrass and skiing in the Wasatch. Featuring soulful, often harmonic vocals and solid strings and rhythm, this tight-knit crew was born out of the belly of a warm cabin after a long day on the slopes- drinking whiskey and singing into the night. With a high energy sound and a love for silly outfits, they travel the land spreading the gospel of whiskey, chickens, and fun for everyone.

April 13th Tickets

Both Nights

Cost: $20 one night, $30 both nights


This event is over.

Sun. Mar. 17, 2024   7-10pm

Pine Creek Lodge
2496 E. River Road
Livingston, MT 59047
(406) 222-3628