A Journaling Journey - Virtual Program

Join the Zoom meeting for virtual meet-up at 2 PM on the last Friday of the month. The meet-up is entirely virtual - there is not an in-person meeting.

Friday, March 29 – Journaling prompt #3 for 2024: Reflect: What if you could relive any day from your past? Which day would you choose, and what would you do differently? This is entirely confidential. See what you might release by looking back and reimagining a new outcome. Join Zoom meeting

Friday, April 26 – Journaling prompt #4 for 2024: Consider: What are the three most important jobs in the world? Why are these three jobs so important? This is entirely your opinion and there is no right or wrong answer. Consider what work you value and admire and write about why. Join Zoom meeting

Friday, May 24 – Journaling prompt #5 for 2024: Imagine: If you could spend twelve hours doing anything you want, anywhere you want, how would you spend them? Imagine you snap your fingers and you are there, no obstacles of money or travel. What would you be doing? Join Zoom meeting

Questions? Contact Librarian Beth Boyson: (406)582-2413.

Cost: FREE


This event is over.

Fri. Mar. 29, 2024   2pm

Fri. Apr. 26, 2024   2pm

Fri. May. 24, 2024   2pm
