Spring Fling Rope Climbing Competition

Reminder that if you are planning to compete in Spring Fling 2024, to register in advance, as the sessions are beginning to fill up! The first session (12pm - 3pm) is nearly full, however we have plenty of space in the second session (3:15pm - 6:15pm).

Want to compete for FREE? Register to volunteer as a judge or belayer in the USAC Youth Qualifying Event during the morning, and receive free entry to compete in the afternoon competition sessions!

Want an extra raffle ticket? Dress up in 80's attire (bright colors, spandex, sweatbands, mullets, etc) and receive an additional raffle ticket!

We wanted to inform you about some upcoming closures of climbing walls in the south side of our gym in preparation for our annual Spring Fling competition.

Beginning on March 31st at 5pm, we will commence closures of the rope climbing walls in the south gym. Additional closures will occur on Monday, April 1st, and Wednesday, April 3rd. After Wednesday, all rope climbing in the South side of the gym will be CLOSED.

However, we're pleased to inform you that bouldering in the south gym will still be available for your enjoyment, along with all climbing areas in the North side of the gym and the Training Center.

Please be aware that the Main Facility will be CLOSED on April 6th for the actual Spring Fling competition. Training Center will still be open for regular hours.

We understand that these closures may inconvenience some of your climbing plans, but we assure you that they are necessary for us to provide you with the best climbing experience during the competition. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.



Cost: Competitors $55-$65, spectators $15


This event is over.

Sat. Apr. 6, 2024   7-10pm

Spire Climbing Center
13 Enterprise Boulevard
Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 586-0706