Friday Night Stand-Up With Amy Silverberg

Amy Silverberg is a writer and comedian based in Los Angeles. Her standup comedy has appeared on Comedy Central (twice!), Hulu, Amazon Prime, NPR, and elsewhere. She was selected as a "New Face" in standup at the prestigious Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal in 2018. Her writing has appeared in Best American Short Stories, The New York Times, The Paris Review, The New Yorker, and elsewhere. Her debut novel First Time, Long Time is forthcoming from Grand Central Publishing/Hachette. She also writes television, most recently "The Movie Show" on the SYFY Channel.
You can follow her on Twitter @AmySilverberg, on instragram @AmySilverberg, and on TikTok @amysilverbergrules
Reserved Tables with 2 seats available! Purchase a reserved ticket and get admission for 2 and reserved high top for the show, just $65.
Cost: $24 online, $30 at the door
Age: 18+
This event is over.
Fri. Jul. 26, 2024 7-8:30pm
Fri. Jul. 26, 2024 9-10:30pm
For More Information
(406) 219-3933

321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse
Bozeman, MT 59715