OLLI Fall Reception

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Montana State University will host its annual fall semester reception from 4 to 6 p.m. on Aug. 22 at Hope Lutheran Church, 2152 Graf St. in Bozeman. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.  

The biannual event brings together lifelong learners from around the Gallatin Valley and beyond to learn about upcoming educational programs and events, to meet OLLI instructors and to view short, prerecorded presentations from fall semester course instructors. OLLI at MSU volunteers and staff will also be present to answer questions about programs, the semester schedule and registration. Registration for fall programs opens on Aug. 29 at 10 a.m.; registration for fall programs will not be accepted at the reception. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.

OLLI at MSU offers a variety of noncredit courses, lectures, tours, book discussion groups, public forums and other activities for members and the public alike. OLLI at MSU is a program of Academic Technology and Outreach

For more information about the OLLI at MSU reception or upcoming events, visit  montana.edu/olli or contact OLLI at 406-994-6646 or OLLI@montana.edu.

Cost: FREE


This event is over.

Thu. Aug. 22, 2024   4-6pm

Hope Lutheran Church
2152 Graf St.
Bozeman, MT 59718