7th annual Baby Formula drive

Bozeman's 7th annual Baby Formula drive is about to kick off. Infants from the age of 1 day old to around 6-8 months rely solely on their mother’s milk or baby formula for food. Mothers who need to immediately return to work, have medical complications or can’t breast feed for one reason or another are forced to take up the very expensive option of formula. 

Our local food bank has an overwhelming need for formula, it is increasingly common for mothers on welfare to “stretch” their formula by adding too much water and subsequently hospitalize their children. Mothers don’t do this out of neglect; they just couldn’t afford to purchase more and don’t realize the consequences of thier actions.

The fact is, very few people donate formula to food banks. The Gallatin Valley Food Bank says that when they are lucky enough to receive any, it is usually off the shelves seconds after they put it on. It is one of the hardest items for them to stock.

So, in your holiday giving as you are looking over your list of charities, please pick up a can or two of formula and help us get these babies the food they need. I will be collecting formula from December 5th – December 20th to be delivered to the food bank. But, don’t forget you can also drop a can in the any Food Bank collection bin year round.

This year, Altitude Gallery (134 E. Main St.- drop off hours are 11:00-4:00 Mon.– Sat.) has been nice enough to act as a public drop off for any purchased cans. Or, feel free to call Kama at 509-939-5383 and I can come collect it from you.