Bozeman's Choice - Results are in!

The Inaugural Bozeman's Choice Readers' Poll results are here, and they're all yours!


On Oct. 16 our first-ever Bozeman’s Choice Reader’s Poll went live and our readers responded immediately. The big, giant, massive poll covered everything from local restaurants to local media, to arts and entertainment and everything in between. 204 questions were voted on by 557 users - thank you!
By early December 9,613 votes had been cast and the winners had been determined. This sociological endeavor helped us learn a lot about what our readers like and don’t like, what upsets them, and what makes them love Bozeman. It was a really fun project to launch, and we are pleased to share the results with you in this special issue of Bozeman Magazine.

Our questions were crafted in eight categories that are a good reflection of the Bozeman lifestyle: Action & Recreation, Arts & Entertainment, Chomping & Chugging, Here & There, Media & Info, Nightlife & Libations, Ranting & Raving, and Shopping & Spending. Overall Chomping & Chugging (food and drink-related questions) and Arts & Entertainment (local theatre, bands and venues) were the highest vote-getters. Each category was well-explored by users, and no question went unanswered.

Didn’t see your favorite answer listed when you went to vote? The entire poll was user-added content, meaning any and all users were able to add answers to the questions for themselves and others to vote on. Users could also vote for more than one answer per question, but could not vote for the same answer twice. Keep this in mind when the 2nd Bozeman’s Choice Reader’s Poll rolls around!

Some of the most compelling answers were in the Ranting & Raving section - like Things The Gallatin Valley Is Bad At and Biggest Thing Bozeman Should Make Happen Soon. Some categories had huge sweeps by local businesses that you, our readers, really love - see Nightlife & Libations. I’m not going to throw any spoilers out in this note, so you’ll have to flip through the magazine and find out what came out on top.

The most incredible thing about Bozeman’s Choice is that it is completely driven by Bozemanites who are passionate enough to support (and if not support, weigh in on) every facet of this community they love. It’s all about our readers, you guys, the ones that took the time out to share your likes and dislikes, concerns and disapproval. We didn’t make it a cool poll - you did!

Our goal was to let you weigh in on what you like, and share a little about what you don’t like so we can be a part of making it all work for the better. Honestly, the best appetizer or the best campground isn’t going to be the reason Bozeman is a great place to live. It’s the people here, who try new things and genuinely care about making their home great, that makes it the most livable place (what good is your favorite burger without good people to share it with, anyway?).

So, a huge high-five to everyone who shared their thoughts with us in the inaugural Bozeman’s Choice Reader’s Poll. We encourage you to take these results with you as you travel Bozeman’s nooks and crannies. Take some mental notes as you make your way through this amazing town, and try something new, or give a shout out to a Bozeman’s Choice winner the next time you visit. We think this is a pretty big deal - we hope you do too!

If you have more to share with us you can leave reviews and comments on our website anytime. Our Food + Drink section has every restaurant within a 200-mile radius, and every local bar listed, with the opportunity for you to leave up to 5 stars and a review for our readers and visitors to read. We’d love it if you log back in sometime soon and leave a review!

I won’t keep you any longer - Here are the winners you, our readers, picked for Bozeman’s Choice 2015.

Select a category to see the winners: