Bozeman Club Wins Grant, Offering Free Adult Learn-to-Swim Lessons

With support from a $4,000 grant from the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation, the Bozeman Masters Swim Club will be offering free swim lessons for adults, beginning in April.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than a third of adults in the United States can’t swim the length of a pool, which puts them at risk of being one of the ten people who drown every day in this country. Swimming skills can save lives, both by preventing drowning, and by providing people with the skills needed to make swimming for fitness part of a long-term healthy lifestyle.

The Bozeman Masters Swim Club has joined U.S. Masters Swimming’s Adult Learn-to-Swim initiative to make more adults safer around water. To kick things off, the club will be offering four 30-minute adult learn-to-swim lessons during the Bozeman Parks and Recreation’s Free Water Safety Event this Saturday, April 1 at the Bozeman Swim Center. These lessons will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For adults who want or need more than 30 minutes, the club is also offering multiple-lesson sessions in April and May. All lessons will be taught by certified instructors, and there will be no more than three pupils for every instructor.

To reserve a spot or learn more about the program, please contact Sue Harkin at 406-600-9296 or

About the Bozeman Masters Swim Club
The Bozeman Masters Swim Club has been an official U.S. Masters Swimming club since 2004. The volunteer-run, nonprofit program welcomes adult swimmers of all ages, abilities, and motivations, and the club’s membership represents a diverse cross-section of the Bozeman community. The club has three Level 2 USMS-Certified Masters Coaches who cater to the diverse needs of the membership, offering structured, full-body workouts to enhance fitness, core strength, aerobic conditioning, physical endurance, and stroke technique. For more information, visit

About the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation
The Swimming Saves Lives Foundation, the charitable arm of U.S. Masters Swimming, raises awareness about the problem of adult drowning, and is a resource for adult learn-to-swim lesson providers. The foundation solicits charitable contributions and provides grants to programs and instructors that teach adult swim lessons. For more information, go to