Bozeman’s Choice Reader Poll: Put Your Stamp of Approval on All Things Bozeman
October 1-31 marks our 3rd annual Bozeman’s Choice Reader poll where we ask you to tell us what you like and don’t like about all things Bozeman. From your favorite places to eat, your favorite bands in the area, your favorite spots and hiking trails, rivers for recreating, local celebrities, and ideas for the future, there is no shortage of people, places and things to weigh in on.
Our Reader Poll is massive with over 200 questions for you to vote on! The poll is 100% online; sign in (or create an account if this is your first time voting) and begin looking at all of the options for Bozeman’s Choice. ALL of the Bozeman’s Choice content is reader added, meaning readers who are signed in have and can add any option to each question. If you believe your Real Estate Agent is the greatest, add his or her name to the Bozeman’s Choice Real Estate Agent question and share it so others can vote for that person as well. Don’t see your favorite breakfast spot on the list? Add it!
Bozeman’s Choice truly celebrates all of what makes Bozeman so great (and some of what doesn’t), and it’s all you, the readers and voters, who add your answers to our questions, and fill the poll with what you like and don’t like. You make it unique.
Many local businesses and individuals will be vying for a three-peat as Bozeman’s Choice winners, and many new and emerging businesses will be seeking your vote and stamp of approval. For each Choice you can vote for as many options as you would like; you just can’t vote for the same Choice more than once. If you can’t pick just one spot you love for lunch, pick them all, spread the love.
A key to becoming or staying Bozeman’s Choice is sharing the poll and asking for votes. It’s as easy as asking friends if they’ve voted before the end of the month, sharing the poll on your Facebook page, making an Instagram post, or sending a tweet.
Thanks in advance for putting your stamp of approval on Bozeman’s Choice! Our January issue will reveal all of the results, listing first, second and third place winners for each question. We will reach out to the winners as soon as possible once the results are compiled, but ask that winners don’t reveal the results until January.
Thank you for reading Bozeman Magazine and sharing your votes with us!