2018 High Plains Book Award Nomination Process is Complete- Community Readers will Review 207 Books
The 12th annual High Plains Book Awards will take place on October 19-20, 2018 in Billings, MT. This event recognizes writers and their work from the states of MT, CO, ND, SD,WY, NE and KA as well as the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan in Canada. A total of 207 nominations have been received, twenty-two more than in 2017. Of these entries, an amazing 42% come from Canadian authors.
The twelve book award categories range from Indigenous Writer to Arts and Photography. This year’s entries include: 9 entries in Arts and Photography, 19 in Children’s Books, 25 Creative non-fiction, 33 fiction, 14 First Book, 9 Indigenous Writer, 10 Medicine/Science, 27 nonfiction, 22 Poetry, 6 Short Stories, 20 Woman Author and 13 Young Adult.
Each of the 207 entries will be read and evaluated by four different community volunteers. Based on the evaluations, the top three books in each category will become finalists. At that point, the finalists are forwarded to judges who will choose the winner in each category. The judges include past winners and published writers with a connection to the High Plains in the US and Canada.
All of the High Plains Book Awards are sponsored by local organization and individuals. Winners will be announced at the High Plains Book Awards Banquet scheduled for Saturday October 20, 2018 at the Yellowstone Art Museum.
For more information about the High Plains Book Awards visit the web-site www.highplainsbookawards.org or contact Shari Nault, High Plains Book Awards President at 406-672-6223 or via email at shari2redlodge@gmail.com.