FWP to host public meeting on smallmouth bass removal project

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host an informational public meeting on a proposal to remove smallmouth bass from Gallatin Valley ponds.
The meeting will be held on April 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the River Rock Community Center, 101 River Rock Rd., in Belgrade.
FWP proposes using rotenone to remove smallmouth bass, which were illegally introduced to the ponds. Rotenone is a natural substance used to remove fish that are incompatible with the management goals of a fishery or that pose threats to other aquatic resources. Once the bass are removed, FWP would restock the ponds with rainbow trout.

FWP is concerned that further illegal introductions from this source will result in smallmouth bass populations in other parts of the Upper Missouri River system. Smallmouth bass would likely cause irreparable harm to wild trout populations, which are economically important to the state.
FWP has conducted an environmental assessment for the project, which can be viewed online at http://fwp.mt.gov/news/publicNotices/environmentalAssessments/speciesRemovalAndRelocation/pn_0079.html.
Public comments on the project can be submitted online at the above web address or by mail: FWP, c/o Smallmouth Bass Removal, 1400 S. 19th Ave., Bozeman, MT 59718. They can also be emailed to FWPRG3EA@mt.gov.
For more information, please contact the FWP’s Region 3 headquarters at 406-994-4042.