MSU Extension offers updated yard and garden fact sheets

For people seeking updated information on caring for a Montana yard and garden, details on backyard landscaping and lawn care, and growing perennials, fruits and vegetables, many free fact sheets are available from Montana State University Extension.

MSU Extension has revised and updated more than 20 yard and garden fact sheets, called MontGuides, in time for the spring growing season. The publications were updated by Cheryl Moore-Gough, MSU Extension horticulture specialist, and other topic experts.

“Information presented by MSU Extension experts gives the reader timely, unbiased and research-based information that can be depended on,” Moore-Gough said. “There is much advice available online that doesn’t pertain to Montana’s growing conditions and just won’t work here. These factsheets have been authored and reviewed by multiple experts, assuring their accuracy for Montana’s environment. The fact that these informative publications are available as free downloads is a huge benefit to Montanans.”

MSU Extension MontGuides are available as free PDF downloads from MSU Extension online at Printed copies can be ordered online or by calling 406-994-3273.