Sweet Ways to Keep Your Marriage Exciting

                                                                                                                                                                      Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash
The longer you're together, the stronger your love becomes, but that doesn't mean your marriage will always give you butterflies. There are many couples who, amidst jobs, responsibility and family, find themselves bored in their relationship. This can naturally bring about feelings of guilt as well, especially if you don't have any real issues with your partner and don't want to hurt them by vocalizing how dull things have begun to feel around them.

While you might feel like you've hit a roadblock in your marriage, there are many ways you can breathe new life into your relationship and rediscover your partner. First, make sure that you talk to them. The worst thing you can do in a marriage is stop communicating your feelings and needs; not only does it make you feel bad, but it leaves your partner feeling left out as well. This slowly erodes trust, which compounds into more difficult conversations and avoidance.

So, once you've sat down and let your partner know that you miss spending time with them, try to bring up fun ideas you could do together. Ask them for their input. Make it a game. There are a lot of ways to reconnect and address feelings of loneliness in your marriage without acting like either one of you is on trial.

Start Leaving Each Other Love Notes Again
Love notes are such a wonderful surprise during the early stages of dating, and many couples continue to leave them for their spouse throughout their marriage. You might be out of your honeymoon phase, but does that mean you've outgrown the need to surprise and be surprised by small expressions of affection? A simple "I love you" on a Post-It note in their car can make your partner's day; you can even make it a game to hide different notes for each other around the house and find them in unexpected places. The effort of leaving love notes is minimal, but their impact is profound. We can know someone loves us with their entire being, but that doesn't mean we ever stop needing to hear it, too.

Surprise Them with Flowers
It could be a birthday bouquet or Valentine's surprise, but flowers have always been one of the most romantic expressions of love. You can really take your spouse by surprise and arrange for them to receive flowers unexpectedly; a flowers subscription box like BloomsyBox.com delivers sustainably sourced, farm-grown flowers to your loved one. Choose a traditional bouquet or specify which flowers you'd like your love to receive. The gesture itself is enough to bring a smile to their face, but the strong visual reminder is an added bonus.

Make Each Other a Playlist
You can discover so much about your spouse through the music they like. Whether it's a strong bass that gets them dancing or heartfelt lyrics, ask them to make a mix of their favorite tracks while you do the same. Throw in some old songs you enjoyed together, and offer a description of new songs and why you like them or decided to share them. Even if you have different musical tastes, the experience of listening to music together is a great bonding experience. You may even be surprised by some of your spouse's picks and have great conversations learning about each other's interests.