Child Care Connections Announces Departure of the Executive Director

Since 2007, Jane Arntzen Schumacher, M.Ed., has held the title of Executive Director at Child Care Connections. Working tirelessly to advocate for children, families, and early childhood professionals, Jane has helped bring early childhood to the forefront of discussion in our community and State. It is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that the Child Care Connections Board of Directors announces Jane’s departure as Executive Director.

Jane’s resignation is effective September 30th, 2021. In her tenure at Child Care Connections, Jane has played a critical role in the development and success of the organization. While her vision for early childhood, and her passion for children will be missed, she will remain a champion for the early childhood sector in Montana.

Over her 14 years of dedicated service, Jane achieved many significant accomplishments. These accomplishments include not only increasing the impact of the agency but doing so in a sustainable way that ensures the critical services offered by Child Care Connections will continue well into the future. Receiving recognition for her service in Early Childhood including the Montana Early Childhood Service Awards presented by the Montana Association for the Education of Young Children, and Employer of the Year award
by Bozeman Business and Professional Women. Jane also led the agencies emergency response to the COVID- 19 pandemic ensuring continuity of all agency services and administering over $3 million in emergency child care grants to local families and child care providers during the first year of the pandemic.

“I want to express the great joy that being part of the team at Child Care Connections has brought to my life," said Arntzen Schumacher. "I would like to say ‘Thank you’ from the bottom of my heart to all who have been so supportive of the organization and of me personally over the years: staff, board members, and, of course, our partners and funders. Without you, the organization would not be as strong and vibrant as it is. I am so honored to have been the leader of this incredible organization and will watch with much excitement and anticipation as it makes strides in supporting and creating new solutions for the child care sector. I’m truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work at Child Care Connections."

Over the next few months, a search will be conducted to find the next Executive Director of Child Care Connections. It is the priority of the Board of Directors to find the best individual to lead, while still maintaining a stable and effective organization. The job announcement will be shared in the coming weeks.

Child Care Connections is a 501(c)3 nonprofit advocating for the well-being and quality care of children by supporting early childhood professionals, families, and the communities we serve. We offer services in Gallatin, Lewis & Clark, Park, Meagher, Jefferson and Broadwater Counties.