MSU Extension offers MontGuide, free tools for saving money

Saving money for large purchases, such as furniture, a car, a house or a vacation, can be difficult. To help make saving easier, Montana State University Extension has published the MontGuide “Track’n Your Savings Goals.”

The MontGuide discusses different free tools MSU Extension has available to aid individuals in efficiently saving money. One of the tools is the Track’n Your Savings Goals register, a 36-page booklet that fits inside a checkbook. It contains detailed instructions on transforming a checkbook into a budgeting tool, according to Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist.

“It keeps information at your fingertips about the progress you are making toward your savings goals,” she added. “The register also provides you with immediate decision-making opportunities. Yes, I could spend that $100 on fancy sneakers, or I could buy cheaper ones and put the $50 difference towards our goal of a family vacation next summer.”

Goetting said the register was designed for those who want a simple way to track their savings without spending a lot of time and hassle and using multiple systems.

Special savings registers and the MontGuide are available at no charge through funding from the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation and the Montana Credit Unions for Community Development. Order copies at Copies are also available at county and reservation Extension offices.