Marketing Techniques Every Company Needs to Try

Information is everywhere. The world has never been more connected and more in touch with itself than it currently is. Not too long ago, news from other continents moved slowly if at all, and when it reached distant lands it was up to the delivery of that news which was often subjective.

Nowadays things are different. Cell phones and social media platforms bring current events in real-time to a global audience like never before. Thoughts, opinions, and world views have never been so easy to share and so easy to discover. In the midst of all these new forms of mass communication, another aspect of human society has also been greatly impacted - and that’s the world of marketing!

Never before has there been such a challenge to market than right now. The world is full of voices, noises, stories and products and people have never been more connected to that stimulus than they presently are in 2021. So that raises a question - in the midst of so much distraction, how does a company get someone’s attention? How does a brand stand out from the noise and the clamor and actually draw in not only an audience by a clientele?

Marketing has always been a field of fresh and new challenges. Regardless of the levels of access to mass information that the common person has had, marketing has always sought to do the same thing - get attention and develop buy-in. This process has a lot of nuance and is unique to not just cultures and societies but even geographic locations.

What works for marketing in one part of the country may not work in others just based on social history and unique demographic differences. Also, the pool of individuals who are able to engage in marketing is growing and growing. Tools like social media platforms, youtube and even tik-tok have revolutionized the way that companies market their resources. The access that normal people have to these marketing tools has also impacted the world of marketing as now ‘creators’ and ‘influencers’ are some of the largest sources of independent marketing available.

Here are four things we believe every company needs to try and implement when it comes to marketing in this competitive world. 

Know Your Brand and Know Your Market

Two words that every company wants to hear when it comes to spreading their brand are ‘viral marketing’. The concept of viral marketing as it is known in the digital age is a fairly new one. When platforms of communication like Twitter and youtube became common staples, the concepts of viral emergence became a household norm.

Whether it was a hilarious Vine (RIP) or tweet from Miley Cyrus, the ability for a piece of information to immediately be consumed by literally millions of people changed the course of marketing. Now, with access to billions of potential customers or patrons, the ability for a company to brand itself for viral marketing is crucial.

This means knowing your brand inside and out and knowing why it should be viral. This impacts not just your mission as a company but the imaging of your company. Everything from color scheme, to font type to social media presence plays a role in viral marketing and there are experts who can help build your brand to be ready for the spark of viral ignition! 

Finance Properly

The ability to market usually takes equity of some sort and sometimes that means acquiring a loan. Bridge loans are fast, easy, and great ways to safely secure the capital that you need to get your marketing on point. 

Marketing itself is not cheap. While there are always ways of practicing frugality within business, cutting corners when it comes to marketing is rarely the correct option. With the mass spread of media and the uprising of stellar content from private creators, making sure that your brand doesn’t get washed to the back of the room due to poor quality is crucial. 

Investing properly into marketing is key to be sure and provide your marketing team with the best equipment affordable in order to ensure your best chances of catching attention. 

Make it Personal - That’s The Biggest Win

No matter what marketing strategy you are following there is one area that you can always excel in past your competition. If you invest in the high-grade equipment, a competitor can always invest in higher. However, when it comes to making your brand as personal - you set your own limits.

The ability to market to an audience, not just another product but instead something personal to them is all the difference. Platforms like utilize text based marketing solutions to help grow your brand and your community.

By investing in direct communication to your audience, your brand has the chance to grow into a unique place on the market of not just being ‘another good or service’. This personal buy-in can represent a powerful way of not just being a sale, but a reproducible sale. When consumers become passionate about what they are consuming - the natural reaction is to share that consumption with others. This is a part of viral marketing that personalized communication can do.

Combining convenience and personal connection is a powerful tool for any company seeking to expand its marketing techniques in 2021. 

Get Guidance That Has High ROI

Don’t kid yourself if you need help - simply get it! There are industry professionals who are gifted at helping grow businesses and push companies to achieve their marketing goals. Kevin Miller is one such consultant that represents a massive improvement in the companies he’s consulted for.

Asking for help outside of your own structures and bringing in fresh minds and fresh eyes can have long lasting impacts on your company and a high ROI. Sometimes - to think outside of the box, you have to bring help that literally is outside of it! 

Invest in Software That Makes Sense

A huge aspect of marketing is the experience that a potential customer has with your product. The harsh reality is that it doesn’t matter if you have the best marketing strategy, a killer product and even a solid sales team - if the interactions between your product and the customer aren’t good, it will always pose a challenge.

Investing in software such as Salesforce can have long lasting impacts on your business. When a person begins to interact with your company, the process of that interaction going smoothly and successfully is the difference between creating an interested party and a loyal customer.

It can be daunting to think about overhauling software as many small businesses can feel intimidated by computer codes and online platforms. However, this doesn't have to be the case. Reaching out to trained professionals who can help you set up your business for success has never been easier. Not only providing your customers with great tools to interact with you - but giving your business the tools it needs to see analytical insight that can grow your brand.


In short, marketing may seem daunting - but rest assured that there are plenty of great tools and amazing consultants out there that can get your brand to where it needs to be. The most important thing you can do is just start researching and working toward your goals, and with some help - you’ll get there!