Effective Ways to Minimise Your Energy Bills
Wish to save money on your energy bills? You can achieve it by using a combination of cheap energy plans and smart electricity consumption that does the trick. Here is a list of some effective ways that can help minimize your energy bill.
Choose The Right Electricity Plan
The electricity market is usually deregulated in most places which gives you the flexibility to shop around a bit and choose the plan that saves you money. The electricity plan that you choose can impact your monthly budget and savings significantly.
Opting for a fixed-rate electricity plan is usually recommended to avoid the off-contract rates. Always compare the current rate you pay with what you will have to pay if you choose the new plan.
Make It A Habit To Turn Off The Electronics When Not In Use
This may be nothing new, but it is important enough to mention, because it is extremely effective in helping you lower your electricity bills.
Your electronic gadgets consume some electricity even when they’re on standby, so turning them off is crucial.
Use Ceiling Fans Instead Of Air Conditioning- Whenever Possible
Air conditioners provide unparalleled comfort for anyone. However, when the weather is pleasant outside, consider turning off your ACs, and use your ceiling fans instead. Ceiling fans don’t consume as much electricity as ACs do, so you will save a decent amount by doing this.
Clean Your AC Filters
Your AC uses a lot of electricity. If the system has to work hard, then it will pull a lot of energy. So you need to ensure that it runs smoothly. Leave the vents open so that you can maximise the airflow, and remember to change the filters frequently so that the air conditioning does not consume excess electricity.
Check The Energy Ratings Of The Appliances
Remember to always check the energy star ratings before purchasing an appliance. These star-rated appliances use less electricity than the non-star rating ones. You can expect to save 50 per cent or even more with the star-rated appliances.
Switch To LED Lighting
LED lights do not just help to save energy but are also cheap. A 60 watt LED uses just 9 watts of electricity, while an average CFL bulb uses 13 watts. When you replace one CFL bulb with an LED, it results in a 30% reduction in electricity consumption.
If you add up the total number of lights in your home and the number of hours you use them, you will find that replacing them with LED bulbs, though initially expensive, will save you several thousands of dollars in the long run.
Play With The Blinds
Instead of making your thermostat work harder, just shut the blinds and keep the heat out of your room. Such simple steps can help you reduce the amount of time you run your AC, thus saving you a decent amount of money.
Work Towards Saving Energy As A Family
Working towards the common goal helps to minimise and enjoy cheap energy bills.
Saving money on electricity bills will only be possible if you get your whole family to understand the importance of it and work together. Parents should educate their children on ways to conserve energy.