Cannabis Travel: Top 4 Trending Destinations

Are you an avid traveler and an avid cannabis user? Do you want to find the best way to combine the two? You should know the top 4 travel destinations for cannabis.

Cannabis was incredibly illegal in the past, be it for consumption, possession, or even sale and transport. However, this is not the case in many places around the world anymore, and many of these places have taken advantage of this to improve their tourism sector.

So, picking a foreign destination suitable for cannabis consumers is very important. Traveling for cannabis lovers is now more practical than ever, with the existence of portable vaporizers that you can find here and travel-friendly grinders. Not to mention, some of these destinations have some of the best cannabis activities to participate in while you are there.

That said, consider choosing one of these four destinations for your next cannabis vacation.


Most of the destinations on this list are countries. However, first up, we have a city with as much to offer in terms of cannabis as a whole country could. Amsterdam is known to cannabis lovers as one of the best places in the world if they’re looking for a unique experience.

In Amsterdam, you can visit cafes. But rather than just being coffee shops, they also offer a variety of different cannabis products. Many restaurants and bars also allow the consumption of cannabis on their premises. However, the consumption of cannabis is still illegal in public spaces. In this case, public spaces literally mean outside.


Moving on down our list, the next country that we will look at in terms of cannabis travel is Chile. Chile has been rated as the second most popular country in South America regarding cannabis travel, and there is absolutely no surprise why.

South America is known to have its fair share of dealings with marijuana, and Chile is no exception. Although the sale and transport of weed are technically still very much illegal in Chile, it is allowed to be consumed in a private residence. And as the country with the highest per capita use of cannabis, you should be able to come across it fairly easily, too. You just need to know who to ask.

Sri Lanka

Leading up the 3rd place spot on our list, we have the country of Sri Lanka. While in Sri Lanka, the beautiful southern Asian country located by the Indian ocean, you may want to enjoy a relaxing day as a stoner.

It is vital to take note of the laws and regulations surrounding cannabis within the country, these being the fact that you can only buy it medicinally from various herbal shops. However, it is incredibly easy to come by and not as difficult to buy as it is in other countries.

In Sri Lanka, the consumption of cannabis is actually tied to traditional medicines and spiritual celebrations, which make it much more special. You can experience a whole new side of cannabis and learn how the locals in Sri Lanka consume it in their culture.

Nova Scotia, Canada

Last but certainly not least, we have Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova Scotia is a whole province within Canada, and they have a lot to offer when it comes to cannabis and cannabis tourism. They have an incredibly lively and fun cannabis culture for anyone to take advantage of.

It has everything from a wide array of government and privately owned stores, cannabis activities and experiences, and some of the best restaurants for your post-pot snack or munchies meal. This is truly a great place to visit if you are looking for a fun and adventurous cannabis vacation while traveling internationally.