Mystic Lake Missing Hunters

On October 23, 2022, at 9:29 A.M., Gallatin County 911 Dispatch received a report of two overdue hunters. The hunters had been last seen in the Mystic Lake Cabin area the day prior at 7:10 A.M by a third member of the hunting party, but never returned to the cabin for their planned stay overnight.  Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue were dispatched to locate and assist the missing hunters.

Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue Valley Section and SAR Dog teams deployed to the area the hunters were last seen from the Bozeman Creek Trailhead.  After several hours of clearing trail and navigating snowy conditions, ground teams and a SAR Dog team were able to reach the Mystic Lake Cabin, where they located the hunters.  One member of the party had suffered a minor injury the night before, which delayed their ability to make it back to the cabin in the dark.  The hunters had arrived at the cabin after their hunting partner had already gone for help, and were seeking shelter from the inclement weather.  SAR teams conducted a medical assessment and transported the hunters back to the trailhead.

Sheriff Dan Springer encourages hunters to prepare for changing weather conditions and to carry a means of communication should an accident happen.  Seeking shelter and remaining stationary aided rescuers in conducting a timely and efficient rescue in this case.