City of Bozeman Announces First Fireworks Show

BOZEMAN —The City of Bozeman is hosting an annual Independence Day fireworks show. This free show will be on July 4 at 10 p.m. at the Bozeman Softball Complex. All are invited to watch.
“We’re looking forward to providing a safe alternative to lighting off personal fireworks,” Fire Chief Josh Waldo stated. “By watching our show instead of lighting them yourself, you can avoid a potential fireworks injury, not be a possible cause of a fire, and limit disruptions to your neighbors and their pets.”

The City has never before provided a fireworks show. In past years, the Lion’s Club helped to put on a local fireworks show, and efforts ended in 2019 as the pandemic started.
More information will be provided as details come together. Those with questions can call Bozeman Fire at (406) 582-2350.