Bozeman City Commission Adopts Parks, Recreation, and Active Transportation (PRAT) Plan

BOZEMAN – The planning effort for the City of Bozeman’s parks, trails, and recreation system reached a conclusion last night as Bozeman City Commission adopted the final draft of Parks, Recreation, and Active Transportation (PRAT) Plan. The City will now kick off efforts to put the document into action.

“Bozeman’s green spaces are a big reason why people choose to live here, so it’s critically important that we thoughtfully strategize and care for our parks and trails as we grow,” Mitchell Overton, Parks & Recreation Director, explained. “This plan will help us do that and ensure that we’re creating spaces that everyone can enjoy.”

A key part of the PRAT Plan involved engaging community members who have not traditionally been represented in local government decision-making processes to better understand specific experiences and ensure a safe, inclusive, and accessible system for all.

Other elements of the document include growing and improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities for enhanced connectivity across the city and maintaining natural resources so that residents can recreate in outdoor spaces that are sustainable and nestled in Bozeman’s natural landscape.

The Plan kicked off in 2021 with a series of engagement opportunities. In 2022, consultants began drafting the document based on feedback and delivered the draft plan in the fall. Over the last few months, Commissioners and the Urban Parks and Forestry Board members have incorporated their edits to the draft resulting in the plan that was approved last night.

The PRAT Plan replaces the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) Plan, which has been in place since 2007.

“The Bozeman of 2023 is a vastly different city from Bozeman circa 2007. We’re dealing with rapid growth, increasing demand on our current parks and trails, and a changing climate, so this plan comes at a critical and needed time. Now the real work begins,” said Overton.

More information on the PRAT Plan, including the final draft, can be found at