EPA to visit Bozeman to highlight $1.6 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for SWIFR grants

Bozeman – On Tuesday, October 10, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will join the Deputy Mayor of Bozeman and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality to highlight $1,605,660 from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to help the City of Bozeman enhance their Sustainable Organics Management Program to provide year-round recycling and composting services for organics and food waste. EPA is also providing $632,629 to the state of Montana to improve solid waste management planning and data collection in communities across the state.

“EPA’s Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling funds are helping communities across the nation reuse waste and reduce local and global environmental impacts,” said EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker.  “We are proud to support a growing program that will serve Bozeman residents for many years to come. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, funding to expand and create new waste management facilities in Montana is part of EPA’s largest recycling investment in 30 years.”

EPA’s grant award will help the city create a Bozeman Sustainable Organics Management Program with new residential collection infrastructure to provide single- and multi-family households with year-round diversion services for organic waste, including food waste. These investments include the purchase of carts, collection trucks, technology improvements and program education and outreach to residents and businesses. The city estimates the program will serve up to 7,000 households by 2026 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1,950 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent annually.