City of Bozeman Wins Grants Totaling $28M

BOZEMAN — The City of Bozeman won eight grants in 2023 totaling over $28 million in support of efforts across multiple divisions. The list of grants includes:

  • $24 million – Kagy Blvd Reconstruction
  • $1.6 million – Creation of Year-round Composting Program
  • $900,000 – Adult Drug Court
  • $750,000 – Transportation Alternatives Capital
  • $265,000 – Transportation Alternatives Preservation
  • $250,000 – Safe Streets for All Study
  • $20,000 – Historic Preservation
  • $19,770 – Child Exploitation/Human Trafficking Investigations

“We’re thrilled to see these grants come through to expand our services. Funding is so often a barrier. Having outside funding come through allows staff to better serve residents without relying solely on local dollars,” explained City Manager Jeff Mihelich.

The grants span the Transportation & Engineering, Municipal Court, Community Development and Police departments.

The Transportation & Engineering department won the bulk of the grants with the $24 million grant secured to reconstruct Kagy Blvd. They also won a grant to expand the composting program to include year-round food waste; a grant to fill in three sections of shared-use paths along Flanders Mill, E Valley Center, and N 19th Avenue; a grant to extend the life of shared-use paths throughout the city through pavement preservation; and a grant to expand the Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) Plan.

In Community Development, the City was awarded a grant from the Foundation for Montana History to conduct a National Register Multiple Property Documentation for buildings that were designed by Fred Willson, a prominent architect from 1909-1954 who designed over a hundred buildings around town.

Municipal Court won a $900,000 Department of Justice grant to start a misdemeanor DUI treatment court to serve DUI offenders. The Bozeman Police Department’s grant helps fund equipment, technologies and training related to investigations into human trafficking and child exploitation to ensure the safety of children in the Bozeman area and learn more about how large a problem human trafficking is in the region.

Those interested in learning more about the grants can reach out to the City Manager’s office at 406-582-2306.