Is It Time To Replace Your Business Sign?

How old is your business sign? Have you looked at it recently? Not just a passing glance driving into the parking lot but really giving your business sign a good inspection.

Even though businesses like the Denver Sign Company always deliver long-lasting and quality signage, nothing lasts forever, which includes your business sign. So, how do you know when it’s time to get rid of an old sign? Sometimes it’s obvious.

However, there are times when you may be waffling about spending the money, but this can be a costly mistake if your signage isn’t effective. Here are a few reasons why it’s time to invest in new signage.

No One Can See Your Sign
Whether it’s overgrowth from nearby trees and bushes or recent development is in the way, if your business sign isn’t visible, it’s not doing its job. Basically, you have a sign that only the local wildlife is paying attention to. Since your customer base probably isn’t comprised of squirrels and other wildlife, your sign is now a waste of money.

Cutting back the overgrowth isn’t always an option. There are regulations, typically set down by the city or county, that dictate who can cut what and when. The last thing you need is a ticket for cutting back growth designated for wildlife. Yep, it’s a thing, usually part of a city-supported green project.

So, what’s the solution? Chances are, it’s time to start budgeting for a larger sign or at least moving your current signage. However, not all types of signs are movable. For example, a heavy concrete monument sign. You’ll probably save some dough replacing the sign instead of trying to move it to another, more visible location.

Your signage may also be tough to see if it’s too small. Yes, smaller is often cheaper, but this doesn’t mean it’s better—you may actually be losing business if your sign is too small. Remember, your business sign needs to be large enough for drivers to easily see. A good rule to follow is to stand about 25 feet or so back from your sign.

If you can’t easily read the information, your sign is probably too small. Sometimes, it pays to spend more rather than less, especially when it comes to advertising your business.

Your Sign’s Out of Style
Yep, business signs can go out of style just like shoes and clothing. Why is this a big deal? Well, your business sign gives consumers their first impression of your company. If your sign’s style is outdated, consumers will also presume so is your business.

Even if you’re a resale or antique store, you want your sign to look fresh, new, and in style. Not sure what the latest sign fashion is? Take a short drive around and check out the styles other businesses are using for their signage.

A great way to let consumers know you’re business is staying on top of current trends is by using digital signage. Digital signs aren’t only for use inside. You can have a digital display on almost any type of outdoor signage.

The LED display is also energy-efficient and lets consumers know you’re taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint. Best of all, you can constantly update the sign’s message without replacing the entire structure.

The Sign’s Age is Showing
You can expect your sign to last for years, if not decades, depending on the material you choose to use. However, even brick and concrete eventually start showing their age. Weather can take a toll on your signage, along with local wildlife. Even cars zooming past kicking up dirt and gravel can pockmark and damage your sign.

Remember how your sign gives consumers their first impressions of your business? Do you really want them to think the inside of your business is in the same state of disrepair as your signage? This isn’t an effective way to drive traffic to your door—instead, you’re actually effectively driving potential consumers away.

When you can’t scrub or paint the damage away, it’s time to replace your signage; this is also a great opportunity to start thinking about adding a fresh, new message.

Your Sign is Illegal
Yep, you can get a ticket for an illegal sign. So, what makes a business sign illegal? This depends on local ordinances and can include anything from size to the brightness of the display. Before paying for a business sign, it’s always a good idea to make sure your sign isn’t illegal first.