Bozeman City Commissioner Christopher Coburn Announces Resignation

BOZEMAN – Christopher Coburn announced his resignation from the Bozeman City Commission during last night’s Commission meeting. Citing personal reasons as the driving factor behind his decision, Coburn described the decision as being bittersweet, and expressed a desire to stay engaged with city happenings even after he transitions out of his role and moves out of Bozeman.

“I have not stopped and will not stop caring about the future of Bozeman – the people who live here now and the people who might live here in the years to come,” Coburn stated during his announcement. “I’m fully committed to spending my remaining time in community with you, continuing to work just as hard as I have for the past three years I have been in this role. It has been and continues to be such an honor.”

Coburn was appointed to the Commission in April 2021. By November of that year, he won his race for the open Commission seat and started his elected four-year term.

Coburn’s resignation goes into effect May 7. From there, the City Commission is required by state law to appoint someone to fill the seat within 30 days. The appointed Commission member will serve until the next municipal election, which is to be held in November 2025.

More information on the Commission Vacancy and how it will be filled will become available in the coming weeks at