Bozeman City Commission Reviews Affordable Housing Ordinance

Meeting is set for Aug. 20 and will include a discussion on potential changes

BOZEMAN — Following renewed interest from the public in the Affordable Housing Ordinance, Bozeman City Commission will discuss revisions on Tuesday, Aug. 20. The meeting will review the current affordable housing market and discuss potential changes to the ordinance to offer better clarity, respond to comments from the public and ensure the policy is meeting its desired outcome.

“I think everyone, from residents to city staff to the Commission themselves, is interested in taking another look at this ordinance and seeing if there are improvements that can be made,” David Fine, Housing & Urban Renewal Manager stated. “We all want to see housing be more affordable, and it’s important that we are thoughtful and surgical in how we go about that.”

The City Commission adopted the current Affordable Housing Ordinance in Sept. 2022 in response to legislative action. The 2021 Montana Legislature passed House Bill 259, which barred the City from requiring affordable housing in new development. As most of the other commonly used tools for creating affordable housing are also prohibited in Montana, the City turned to voluntary incentives to create affordable housing.

In creating the current ordinance, the City conducted an extensive public review of the then-existing code, identified alternatives and chose those most likely to result in the construction of new affordable housing. This ordinance, often in combination with other incentives, is responsible for the creation of nearly 1,500 units, with most being either under construction or in the project pipeline.

Following this meeting, city staff will draft a revised ordinance incorporating the revisions requested by the City Commission.

Public comment is encouraged throughout this process, and further community engagement will occur following the Commission work session.

Those seeking more information on the Affordable Housing Ordinance can visit