Article Names in Bozeman’s Backyard: The Madison, The…

Here’s a thought; put your European colonialist viewpoint in your pocket for a hot second and ask the Native Americans the names they used for thousands of years before the colonists showed up.

Article Sobering Reminder: Montana’s Fatality Marker…

Hello Christie - I took a four month road trip Fall of 2016. My most moving photo was that of a white cross at Mile Marker 1 on 206, north of Big Foot. I have wanted to look up who the cross represents, out of respect. Do you know how I can find this information?

Article What's Your Beef? What Does Friendly Even Mean?

replied to: Get over yourself and learn to run faster! Dogs…

Hah! Oh wait, is this comment meant to be a joke? I hope so. Seriously, it's impossible to get away from dogs no matter where you run in Bozeman.

Post Local Muralist Griffin Foster

We could not be more proud of Griffin, our grandson. Bobbie and Bob Foster, Annapolis, MD

Article Bozeman's Cohousing Community

Bozeman Cohousing...Spoiler Alert! Bozeman has been (destroying itself and..) building “multi family housing” and single family homes with zero space in between.
So what’s the difference? You choose who you want to live in your personal space. That’s a cult.

Article The Black Lives Matter Movement As An Asian…

Cassie this is such a well written piece. Knowing you from a young child and watching you blossom into the beautiful person you are today it makes me feel proud to know that you have a strong voice and will make a difference in this world.

Article The Black Lives Matter Movement As An Asian…

Cassie, this is beautifully written, poignant, and oh, so relevant. Thank you for sharing your bravery in speaking up. You are absolutely in the right lane. BLM.


Post Alcohol Licensed Businesses in Bozeman Band…

That sounds great, but as a customer wanting to come back into any of these places, font of house staff is just half the issue. I realize you can't drink and eat with a mask on, but these are the types of places we see in other cities that become breeding grounds for exposure. I wouldn't chance it, because you can't tell me that people are going to forego the close, chummy socializing that we all crave and go to bars for.